terça-feira, junho 28, 2005

Am I to blame?

Am I to blame for feeling too much?
For feeling touched with any display of life, simple as it may be?
Am I to blame if I feel moved simply by touch?
Am I the one to blame, or are those who made me?
Can I be pointed at for crying over a fake story, made up to appeal?
Or is it the same as when I cry for a story that's real?
Am I to blame for feeling life running through my veins, everytime I feel?
Or am I to blame, then, for letting drop the tears I can't conceal?
Can I be accused of any crime, for laughing with any joke?
For letting loose a vivid laugh with just a simple memory?
For sharing tears of joy due to a sincere smile?
Am I to blame for feeling lost in all of these emotions?
Yet at the same time feel so much alive?
For feeling drowned in this well of feelings, from which I can't escape?
Am I to blame for giving up my strife
to conquer this way of being? To understand my life?
Am I to blame for every second feeling touched, emotional with anything?
For having days I bear this cross during my silence?
Can I be condemned only because I can't tell
if it's a curse, a burden, or a blessing this way I am?
Am I to blame for thinking no one actually can?
Must I be punished for sometimes feeling lost?
Afraid to let go of the things I have inside?
Afraid to let others pay the cost
it is to know all of these feelings that I hide?
Am I to blame for feeling helpless, overwhelmed and taken over by my dreams?
Yet not able to ever consider living without them?
Am I to blame for being this way, so prone to feeling too much at a time?
For feeling for anyone I run into?
For feeling for dreams and stories that aren't mine?
For living in a constant dream, where my feelings rule my world, and I'm driven by my emotions?
Is it a curse, is it a blessing?
Am I to blame for sometimes giving up the guessing?
Am I to blame?

Abraços e desculpem o desabafo

1 Comentários:

Comentários Hoje At 10:45 da tarde, Blogger Rita Costa comentou...

É assim a tua vida, a tua maneira de te entregares a esta existência, é assim o teu mundo... É assim que te tornas a pessoa tão especial que todos adoramos...
E é por isso que ninguém te pode acusar de ser tal e qual como és e de viver tal e qual como vives! Nem podes deixar esse teu espírito tão auto-crítico fazer o que ninguém faz... Porque são essas peculiaridades que te tornam tão fascinante!
Não mudes nunca! :) Beijocas enormes


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